Tuesday, May 14th - 1pm-2pm EST
1 CE for APA & NBCC
Title: Charms and Challenges: Navigating Supervision Roles in Athletic Counseling and Sport Psychology
Presenter: J.C. Ausmus, Ph.D., LPC, NCC (Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Texas Permian Basin)
Abstract: Athletes have historically faced barriers to receiving mental health care in any setting, but especially in the college setting. Research indicates that college athletes experience clinical symptoms of depression, anxiety, disordered earing, and suicidality at comparable levels to their non-athlete peers (Kearns Davoren & Hwang, 2014; Petrie & Greenleaf, 2010; Rao et al., 2015; Wolanin et al., 2016). Yet, barriers remain for help-seeking in this population and student-athletes are less likely to seek out mental health care than non-athlete students. In addition to the stigma surrounding mental health in the athletic population, ethical dilemmas arise quite often, some of which can put pressure on clinicians in training who are still under supervision.
The presentation will discuss the unique charms and challenges of working closely with student athletes, especially when it comes to supervising trainees who may be working with student-athletes, ethical dilemmas involved in those situations, supervision theory in sport psychology, and the differences between sport psychology and athletic counseling. Additionally, the presentation will discuss the new NCAA regulations on Mental Health and provide some suggestions on how to address those while incorporating trainees.
Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will be able to explain the challenges college student athletes face and how to potentially navigate the new NCAA regulations on mental health
2. Participants will be able to recognize the differences between Sport Psychology and Athletic Counseling, potential ethical dilemmas in both, and how to help your trainees navigate those ethical dilemmas
3. Participants will be able to describe supervision theory in Sport Psychology