Emerging Leader Grant for 2024-2025
***The Emerging Leader Grant Application is due by October 7, 2024.***
students and new professionals for the Emerging Leader Grant (ELG) to attend the ACCA Annual Conference in 2025. Applicants must be willing to attend and serve in the ELG position at the ACCA conference. Graduate students must be actively enrolled in a master’s or doctoral graduate counseling program (e.g. clinical mental health, clinical psychology, counselor education and supervision). New professionals are those working in college counseling within 2 years of matriculating from a counseling graduate program, or within 2 years of transitioning from another counseling profession into college counseling. College counseling includes a variety of professions such as mental health, career, or disability services. The review and selection committee will typically be composed of the Graduate Student Member-at- Large (GS-MAL), an Executive Council Member, the ACCA Graduate Student & New Professionals (GSNP) Committee Chair/Co-chair and/or members, and previous ELG recipients. Throughout the process, the GS-MAL will be the primary contact person for questions by applicants as well as assistance, support, and follow-up with ELG recipients throughout the year. The Emerging Leader Grant covers the cost of the ACCA conference registration and includes a $500 travel reimbursement (with receipts, post-conference). This is NOT a cash/money grant. ACCA Emerging Leaders responsibilities prior, during and after the ACCA conferences:
Duties for those chosen to attend the ACCA 2025 New Orleans Conference—Jan 30th– Feb 2nd, 2025: • Attend the ACCA conference. • Be available for a variety of opportunities for connection and service leadership training provided by ACCA board members. Specifics will be determined closer to conference time. The Process: A). Applications are due electronically by email by email to Franky Schulze @ fschulze@lewisu.edu Submit all materials as PDF files. No applications will be accepted in any form other than electronically. The ELG review committee will examine all applications for eligibility. B). Applications must include ALL of the following (7 items):
C). Decisions are based on the quality of the submitted information and each category is given consideration in the overall score. The ELG review committee will conduct a blind review of the applications to select grant recipients. D). All ELG applicants will be notified by email regarding their application status. Those awarded an Emerging Leader Grant will be sent a separate email with further information about conference registration. Eligibility requirements: A). Applicants must be a student or new professional member of ACCA. Individuals who are not current members must affiliate with ACCA as a division within ACA in order to be considered for this award. To join ACA and ACCA, please visit the ACA webpage for membership information and forward your confirmation email of your membership to the GS-MAL. The review committee chair will confirm verification of membership in ACA and ACCA before considering your application. B). Applicants cannot have previously received an Emerging Leader Grant from ACCA. Emerging Leader Grant Application Deadline: October 7, 2024 at midnight (12am CST) Questions can be directed to: Franky Schulze, LCPC, MA, NCC Member-at-Large, Graduate Students and New Professionals American College Counseling Association | Quick LinksJoin Now! Job Board 2025 Conference Member Resources Contact UsUpcoming EventsMonthly Support Space
2026 ACCA Annual Conference AnnouncementsView the press release on HEMHA's new guide to Animals on Campus Click here to access the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources ACCA joins the 4th edition of Health and Well being in Higher Education: A Commitment to Student Success Please note the addition of the College Counseling & Psychological Services Knowledge Base to the resources page. ACCA Members in the NewsBecca Smith is quoted in the Washington Post article "College mental health centers are swamped. Here's what parents can do." Andrew Lee is quoted in the Inside Higher Ed article on Suicidal Ideation Steffanie Grrossman is quoted in Online Counseling article College Students Diet and Mental Health Janelle Johnson comments on the state of mental services at community colleges. Janelle Johnson on College Counseling” Psychotherapy.net Interview. Follow the link to read the full interview. |